Success in work: Finding your Feet

Find Your Footing, Fast! “Success at Work” helps you navigate & thrive.

45 minutes 0 Enrolled No ratings yet Beginner

Starting a new job can be both exciting and daunting. This informative session, “Success at Work: Finding Your Feet,” will equip you with the tools and strategies to navigate your new professional landscape with confidence.

Get ready to ditch the initial awkwardness and start building a solid foundation for your success as we explore:

  • The First Few Days: Learn what to expect during your initial onboarding process. We’ll cover topics like introductions, essential paperwork, and understanding your role and responsibilities.
  • Building Relationships: Discover strategies to connect with your colleagues, break the ice, and start building positive working relationships within your team and department.
  • Understanding the Company Culture: We’ll delve into the unspoken rules and communication styles of your new workplace. Learn how to adapt and integrate seamlessly into the company’s unique environment.
  • Asking Smart Questions: Master the art of asking insightful questions to your manager or colleagues. This demonstrates your eagerness to learn and helps you gain valuable information to excel in your role.
  • Taking Initiative (Without Overstepping): Learn how to show initiative and take ownership of your tasks while remaining respectful of established procedures and hierarchies.
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